I arrived a couple of minutes early for my 6-month appointment on June 30, 2017. After x-rays of my new right shoulder, I was in the exam room meeting with a surgical resident. The day of the surgery was December 15, 2017, almost winter, cold, but sunny walking into the hospital. The six-month follow-up was full summer, misty gray and already warm at 8 am.
It has been a long six months, working a little every day for increased movement, strength, and function. My PT, Brian DeLuca, from UB Ortho, was good at making me believe that if I kept working every day I would get more movement. I don't think I really believed in February that I would be able to put my right hand behind my head or my back. So, thanks to Brian for encouraging and challenging me. Cooking, gardening, sweeping, housework, yoga, zipping up a dress, putting on a jacket are all possible now. I am working on strengthening more now, although the movement work continues. Onward!
Never believed I could possibly get this much motion pain free again! Between 10 - 20 weeks post surgery, end of February through April, it felt like little was changing even though I did the exercises. Maybe that also had something to do with the weather in Buffalo, which often feels like spring is never going to arrive. But with just keeping at it a little bit most days has really paid off.