UD Yoga is collaborating with East Meets West Yoga and our first, in a series of three "pilot" classes, was Thursday, June 8, 2017. I was excited and a little nervous, waking up early that morning to prepare. I meditated for a long time to let all of the big emotions roll over me and try to get a clear mind and feel better prepared.
June 8th holds huge significance in my life, just one year earlier on this date we had the memorial service for my husband. Reflecting on this brought up a lot of sadness, but also gratitude that I have a good life and that developing UD Yoga in the community with my amazing colleagues is a gift. I realized that a UD Yoga community class was the next step on my way. I was thinking about Rumi's "As you start to walk on the way, the way appears". Now, I would edit Rumi's profound statement through a Universal Design perspective to: "As you start on the way, the way appears", so if you get around some way other than walking you are included.
Anyway, back to the first class. I arrived early, and Carrie Jacobsen from East Meets West Yoga and Patrick Moltane, Julia Kress and Elyssa Bourke and I (The UD Yoga team) discussed set up. Not knowing who was attending we decided to use the smaller room and set up spaces as people arrived. It felt so good as folks arrived, eleven in all. The yoga sequence was planned and distributed to the teachers so we all knew what to expect. I planned a sequence that could easily be done lying down or seated, with a couple of poses in standing. A couple of people arrived late due to public transportation issues, however, they were welcomed into the class and from all accounts enjoyed the experience once they arrived (we have already discussed how to include more public transportation info in marketing).
We are compiling the feedback on the comment forms and will share it with you after the third class!